Saturday, October 6, 2007

McNeal and Carolyn Glassburn

Today was the perfect day to ride through phoenix and tempe. I started in sun city and rode canal paths and city streets in sunny 80° weather.
I rode for awhile with a nice guy who is like me, an east coast transplant. I enjoyed the sunny weather and the company of craig cocoros.
Eventually, I found the residence of a remote relative. To me he seems like a new found uncle. Mick Glassburn and my new aunt Carol welcomed me into there tempe home. They are life-giving people and i'm thankful that I got to meet them. I also met a new cousin Machelle, who has many features and mannerisms of my sister lynn.
I'm envious as crap about McNeal's 1965 chevy supersport...


Prime said...
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TRACI said...

Thank you for taking the time to stop by our house and meet us. We really enjoyed meeting you and the visit!
- Mickey and Carolyn Glassburn