Thursday, November 8, 2007

Quincy to greenville florida

85 miles
Went through tallahassee... Very busy town...
LOts of hills.. I thought fla was supposed to be flat...
Very cold last two mornings... Upper 30's - uncomfortable for biking. Hard to steer when shivering. No hotels nearby - so camped behind a little church outside of town.
Generally, I like biking when little towns crop up every 10-20 miles.
About 225 miles to finish. Very anxious to be done. I hope it warms up a little. I'm pretty cozy in my tent, but getting out of sleeping bag in a.m. when it's cold is difficult.
I've been pushing myself a bit... feeling tired and cranky... Getting pretty good at 1000 yard stare when I take breaks.
Hopefully done in 3 more days... We'll see!


Shelley Miles said...

Almost there, Scotty! We're looking for hotels on the beach - temps are in the low 70's - way better than 30...see you soon.

pj said...

Next time take the upper route. My cousin said it's 100 in Arizona but "cooling down" to the 80's next week. Keep pedalling, Scott, we're all rooting for you!