Friday, November 9, 2007

Greenville to high springs florida

92 miles
I didn't think I had it in me to go this far today. I traversed a lot of park property and the suwahnee river... Quite honestly, I wasn't into the scenery. It was warmer today... More comfortable for riding today.
About 120 miles to go...

P.s. Pj, thanks for tuning in... ( how do I know you?)

1 comment:

pj said...

Glad you bypassed my comment to "Close Call." You don't know me - I'm Ruth's cousin, also grew up next door. Uncle Rog was excited about your adventure so I printed some for him to enjoy (not Texas - you owe me). You've inspired my boss to consider a similar trip. Hope you post your pictures when you get home. I think the final one should be Max knocking you down with kisses:) No one misses you like your dog!