Monday, October 15, 2007

I don't think I like el paso much

Today was excellent riding weather. I packed up from my camp along the rio grande just south of las cruces, nm. I quickly found my way into texas, but I took the wrong road and ended up 10miles west ( exact opposite direction) I had to backtrack to end up almost back to where I entered texas.
El paso is a very large sprawling city ( pop 550,000) that spans nearly 30miles west to east. It is not a very biker friendly town. It's not as dangerous as the area east of tempe that I described awhile back.
Still I had to fight a lot of traffic.
I became misdirected in trying to get downtown, and I had to take another route that cost me another 10 miles.
Finally, i'm outside el paso. I'm happily, about 20miles east of the city camped up in a pecan orchard. The farmer who owns this fine orchard gave me weird looks, but was still kind enough to give me his permission to set up my tent here. It's a nice spot.
105 miles today! ... 75 of which got me closer to florida. The directions between here and del rio fortunately are much easier.

1 comment:

lynnie said...

Thoughts for the ride Scottie: There is an am (freakin early am sunday radio station) ((I scoop horse poop at alarming early hours-truly makes you '(s)think!! called 'stump the professor'. I'd love to call him this sunday with a profound question of yours. Last sunday an 8th grader called in asking which came first, the chicken or the egg.. I KNOW the answer, do you? Gimme a question for the professor! Love you lots, l